Banjo builder Bob Rock

Banjo builder Bob Rock
Picture from BU magazine, August 1993

And Here's Bob!

Thanks to Tony for sending these pictures of Bob Rock with one of his personal banjos. According to Tony, this banjo was made from butternut wood and made to mimic a Bacon Day banjo. Thanks Tony!


Unknown said...


I knew Bob Rock back in 1975 when my wife and I ran a general store in Chenysville, just east of Clearville, south of Everett, PA.
I bought his first handmade banjo from elder twin sisters, whom I also learned how to play clawhammer.
I still own his banjo, that has 'star' and 'moon' pearl inlays that he got from his mothers coat.
It's an open back banjo that plays fantastic to this day.
I was inspired to learn to build banjos from Bob (who also had a blacksmith barn where he made his rims from scratch!)... but moved on.
I have several pics of Bob holding his 'Gibson' copy at his house from 1974.

Thought ya'll'd like to know.

-Steve Millard

Unknown said...

Bob used to have a BIG anvil out by his mailbox. Story has it that folks would stop and ask about purchasing the anvil. Bob would reply "Not for sale. But if you can lift it you can have it." He'd get a kick out if that.
Until "Junior"Weyant stopped and before Bob could catch his words the anvil was off the ground and on the tailgate of the Ford.

Valkyrie said...

Hi Folks,

I own the house and workshop Bob lived and worked in. We are looking to sell if anyone is interested.

Roger McNeilly said...

Hello! I own the RB 4 Bob is picking in the picture his personal banjo. Love the sound and light weight of this banjo. I been picking Bluegrass banjo music for over 60 years. I am happy to own one of Bob's works of art I know he put a lot into his work.